Index » PageStream Support » General » Pagestream for Linux GTK requirements.
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2019-07-03 12:38:03 CT #1
Ezequiel Partida
From: Mexico
Registered: 2006-02-07
Posts: 6
Hello Everyone,

Do you remember what gtk2 libraries are needed for Pagestream 5 Linux?.

I am using Mageia 7  with Plasma 5 and the screen does not look correctly, some buttons are missing so I plan do add those libraries manually in Pagestream's  folder to see if it works better.

It would be great if Deron upgraded to PageStream 6 with new features or open the code and have an opensource and commercial close source more stuff like Pantone and Stuff.



Ezequiel Partida

2019-07-03 18:11:07 CT #2
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4640

Hi Ezequiel,

The easiest way to figure this out is to run PageStream from a shell.
Any missing libraries will cause an error message to be printed with the
name of the missing library.


On 7/3/19 2:38 PM, Ezequiel Partida
[PageStreamSupport] wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Do you remember what gtk2 libraries are needed for Pagestream 5 Linux?.
> I am using Mageia 7  with Plasma 5 and the screen does not look
> correctly, some buttons are missing so I plan do add those libraries
> manually in Pagestream's  folder to see if it works better.
> It would be great if Deron upgraded to PageStream 6 with new features
> or open the code and have an opensource and commercial close source
> more stuff like Pantone and Stuff.
> Regards
> *___*
> *Ezequiel Partida**
> *

Deron Kazmaier -
Grasshopper LLC Publishing -
DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

2019-07-04 12:39:30 CT #3
Ezequiel Partida
From: Mexico
Registered: 2006-02-07
Posts: 6
I am so please to read from you Deron.

I did run pagestream from konsole.

I am using Pagestream on Mageia 7 with Plasma 5 and the problem was the GTK2 emulation on Plasma 5 so I just got in to System Settings / Application Style / Gnome / GTK Aplication Style and added one Called Victory Gtk and it works great.

Now I can see all sliders and buttons correctly.

Me, as many PGS Users would love to get a new version of PGS whatever it cost..

BTW, Happy Independence  Day my friend.


Ezequiel Partida

El mié., 3 jul. 2019 a las 16:13, PageStream Support [PageStreamSupport] (<>) escribió:

Hi Ezequiel,

The easiest way to figure this out is to run PageStream from a shell.
Any missing libraries will cause an error message to be printed with the
name of the missing library.


On 7/3/19 2:38 PM, Ezequiel Partida
[PageStreamSupport] wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> Do you remember what gtk2 libraries are needed for Pagestream 5 Linux?..
> I am using Mageia 7  with Plasma 5 and the screen does not look
> correctly, some buttons are missing so I plan do add those libraries
> manually in Pagestream's  folder to see if it works better.
> It would be great if Deron upgraded to PageStream 6 with new features
> or open the code and have an opensource and commercial close source
> more stuff like Pantone and Stuff.
> Regards
> *___*
> *Ezequiel Partida**
> *

Deron Kazmaier -
Grasshopper LLC Publishing -
PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

2019-07-07 17:33:18 CT #4
P. Marquard
From: Denmark
Registered: 2006-10-29
Posts: 79
I agree - I would definitely buy an updated version of PageStream (but not an any cost - have to be realistic here :-) )


Philip 'Vargr' Marquard

On 04-07-2019 21:39, Ezequiel Partida [PageStreamSupport] wrote:

Me, as many PGS Users would love to get a new version of PGS whatever it cost..

Ezequiel Partida

2019-07-07 12:32:00 CT #5
Mel Hallam
From: United States
Registered: 2006-02-09
Posts: 13
My name is Mel, I live in Las Vegas, and I would like to lend my voice to this chorus. I've been PageStream user for seemingly ever, and I too would love to pay for an updated version. 

On Sun, Jul 7, 2019, 9:16 AM 'P. Marquard' [PageStreamSupport] <> wrote:

I agree - I would definitely buy an updated version of PageStream (but not an any cost - have to be realistic here :-) )


Philip 'Vargr' Marquard

On 04-07-2019 21:39, Ezequiel Partida [PageStreamSupport] wrote:

Me, as many PGS Users would love to get a new version of PGS whatever it cost..

Ezequiel Partida

2019-07-07 21:11:07 CT #6
Lawrence F. Keller
From: United States
Registered: 2006-02-15
Posts: 65


I wanted, and still want, an updated version of PageStream. I had hoped for an AmigaOS 4.1 version as the program works best on the OS. However, a viable Windows 10 version updated to Amiga standards is more likely. For me, this would be worth paying up to $200 for a full functioning PS - PageStream - program.

Sadly, I doubt Deron would have a sufficient market for his efforts. I am just glad he provided such as powerful and easy to use program on the best OS during the major portion of my academic career. He more than paid his dues and so I am stuck with much less powerful and clumsy to use desktop publishing.

On July 7, 2019 at 3:32 PM "Mel Hallam [PageStreamSupport]" <> wrote:



My name is Mel, I live in Las Vegas, and I would like to lend my voice to this chorus. I've been PageStream user for seemingly ever, and I too would love to pay for an updated version. 

On Sun, Jul 7, 2019, 9:16 AM 'P. Marquard' [PageStreamSupport] <> wrote:

I agree - I would definitely buy an updated version of PageStream (but not an any cost - have to be realistic here :-) )


Philip 'Vargr' Marquard

On 04-07-2019 21:39, Ezequiel Partida [PageStreamSupport] wrote:

Me, as many PGS Users would love to get a new version of PGS whatever it cost..

Ezequiel Partida






Dr. Larry Keller
Ohio Amigan

2019-07-07 22:13:06 CT #7
Michael Kelley
From: United States
Registered: 2007-11-22
Posts: 6
I remain hopeful that loyal folks like all of us - I started using Publishing Partner on the Atari ST series back in the very early 1980s and did a lot of Beta testing - can sweet talk Deron into a major update for which I am certain quite a number of us would be willing to pay an appropriate price for such an update.

My update would be best for my MacBook Pro, but since I am building a Windows 10 desktop to supplement it I could live with either.

After Deron was MIA for quite some time I was delighted to find that he and his are doing well.

Perhaps being pleasantly persistent...

Mike Kelley

On Sun, Jul 7, 2019 at 21:16 LAWRENCE KELLER [PageStreamSupport] <> wrote:


I wanted, and still want, an updated version of PageStream. I had hoped for an AmigaOS 4.1 version as the program works best on the OS. However, a viable Windows 10 version updated to Amiga standards is more likely. For me, this would be worth paying up to $200 for a full functioning PS - PageStream - program.

Sadly, I doubt Deron would have a sufficient market for his efforts. I am just glad he provided such as powerful and easy to use program on the best OS during the major portion of my academic career. He more than paid his dues and so I am stuck with much less powerful and clumsy to use desktop publishing.

On July 7, 2019 at 3:32 PM "Mel Hallam [PageStreamSupport]" <> wrote:



My name is Mel, I live in Las Vegas, and I would like to lend my voice to this chorus. I've been PageStream user for seemingly ever, and I too would love to pay for an updated version. 

On Sun, Jul 7, 2019, 9:16 AM 'P. Marquard' [PageStreamSupport] <> wrote:

I agree - I would definitely buy an updated version of PageStream (but not an any cost - have to be realistic here :-) )


Philip 'Vargr' Marquard

On 04-07-2019 21:39, Ezequiel Partida [PageStreamSupport] wrote:

Me, as many PGS Users would love to get a new version of PGS whatever it cost..

Ezequiel Partida






Dr. Larry Keller
Ohio Amigan

2019-07-08 08:19:37 CT #8
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4640


What would you want to see in a Windows version that is in the current
Amiga version that is _not_ in the current Windows version? Other than
Arexx support, I'm not aware of any differences. Better printer support?
The interface graphics are certainly a little long in the tooth these
days, but that is not a functionality issue.


On 7/7/19 8:11 PM, LAWRENCE KELLER
[PageStreamSupport] wrote:
> All:
> I wanted, and still want, an updated version of PageStream. I had
> hoped for an AmigaOS 4.1 version as the program works best on the OS.
> However, a viable Windows 10 version updated to Amiga standards is
> more likely. For me, this would be worth paying up to $200 for a full
> functioning PS - PageStream - program.
> Sadly, I doubt Deron would have a sufficient market for his efforts. I
> am just glad he provided such as powerful and easy to use program on
> the best OS during the major portion of my academic career. He more
> than paid his dues and so I am stuck with much less powerful and
> clumsy to use desktop publishing.
> Dr. Larry Keller
> Ohio Amigan
> _,_._,___

Deron Kazmaier -
Grasshopper LLC Publishing -
DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

2019-07-08 08:28:13 CT #9
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4640

Hi Mike,

I'm not MIA, just only answer questions that need answering Smile I still
help folks using PageStream3 even. I really should charge them!

Mac has gotten very discouraging. Basically, to maintain PageStream on
the Mac I need to completely rewrite the Mac parts. Years ago when I
started the Mac port, Carbon was the established OS libraries and Cocoa
was new on the scene. Steve Jobs announced that Carbon and Cocoa would
always be developed hand in hand, no need to worry etc etc. So I picked
Carbon since it was well documented etc.

As you may know, this latest OS X release drops all support for Carbon
apps. So if you upgrade your OS, PageStream will cease to function. This
has been several years coming, but it is very discouraging work for me
since PageStream already worked on the Mac. Imagine having to rebuild
your house from the ground up because the law said your structural
lumber now needs to be painted blue, and no one is going to pay you for
your work since your house will still be the same square footage etc.

Anyway, I might still do it. I've written Cocoa code since then, even
iOS apps. Not a difficult task, just a time consuming one.

As far as new features, I'm not sure any I have on the "wishlist" is
worth an upgrade fee. Other than long book publishing, PageStream works.


On 7/7/19 10:13 PM, Mike Kelley [PageStreamSupport]
> I remain hopeful that loyal folks like all of us - I started using
> Publishing Partner on the Atari ST series back in the very early 1980s
> and did a lot of Beta testing - can sweet talk Deron into a major
> update for which I am certain quite a number of us would be willing to
> pay an appropriate price for such an update.
> My update would be best for my MacBook Pro, but since I am building a
> Windows 10 desktop to supplement it I could live with either.
> After Deron was MIA for quite some time I was delighted to find that
> he and his are doing well.
> Perhaps being pleasantly persistent...
> Mike Kelley

Deron Kazmaier -
Grasshopper LLC Publishing -
DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

2019-07-08 17:25:57 CT #10
P. Marquard
From: Denmark
Registered: 2006-10-29
Posts: 79

Nice hearing from you, Deron. Smile

Now I have to go and dust off my old Amiga to see what differences there

But what just springs to mind is better printer support (I have to
export to PDF and print out thriough a PDF program).

Support for MS IME (specifically, the ability to write Japanese text) -
I have read it is possible but I have never succeeded.

The user interface is actually not too bad - it has aged with grace. I
see brand new software with horrible user interfaces (such as ribbons).

The strange issue with the windows disappearing when you change focus to
another program (I know - really minor issue and hardly worth speding
time on - especially since they come back when PageStream is once again
in focus).

But I guess I am not using PageStream as much as I would like these
days, so others are probably better at suggestion things.


Philip 'Vargr' Marquard

On 08-07-2019 15:19, PageStream Support
[PageStreamSupport] wrote:
> Hello,
> What would you want to see in a Windows version that is in the current
> Amiga version that is _not_ in the current Windows version? Other than
> Arexx support, I'm not aware of any differences. Better printer support?
> The interface graphics are certainly a little long in the tooth these
> days, but that is not a functionality issue.
> Deron
> On 7/7/19 8:11 PM, LAWRENCE KELLER
> [PageStreamSupport] wrote:
>> All:
>> I wanted, and still want, an updated version of PageStream. I had
>> hoped for an AmigaOS 4.1 version as the program works best on the OS.
>> However, a viable Windows 10 version updated to Amiga standards is
>> more likely. For me, this would be worth paying up to $200 for a full
>> functioning PS - PageStream - program.
>> Sadly, I doubt Deron would have a sufficient market for his efforts. I
>> am just glad he provided such as powerful and easy to use program on
>> the best OS during the major portion of my academic career. He more
>> than paid his dues and so I am stuck with much less powerful and
>> clumsy to use desktop publishing.
>> Dr. Larry Keller
>> Ohio Amigan
>> _,_._,___

2019-07-08 08:51:13 CT #11
tom ninkovich
From: United States
Registered: 2007-06-20
Posts: 7 [PageStreamSupport] wrote:

...Other than long book publishing, PageStream works...

All I DO is long book publishing and PageStream works fine.

My last book was 1418 pages in 2 volumes (8.5 x 11). Using PS on a MacBook Pro with OSX 10.6.8. 

2019-07-08 12:00:11 CT #12
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4640

On 7/8/19 10:25 AM, 'P. Marquard'
[PageStreamSupport] wrote:
> Nice hearing from you, Deron. Smile
> Now I have to go and dust off my old Amiga to see what differences there
> are.
> But what just springs to mind is better printer support (I have to
> export to PDF and print out thriough a PDF program).

Agreed, I acknowledged that.

> Support for MS IME (specifically, the ability to write Japanese text) -
> I have read it is possible but I have never succeeded.

Reasonable, though limited interest for most customers. Can you import
text with those characters?

> The user interface is actually not too bad - it has aged with grace. I
> see brand new software with horrible user interfaces (such as ribbons).
> The strange issue with the windows disappearing when you change focus to
> another program (I know - really minor issue and hardly worth speding
> time on - especially since they come back when PageStream is once again
> in focus).

Smile That is intentional. Supposed to reduce screen clutter when the App
is not the active app. Part of the Mac UI style guide and I just stuck
with it. I don't remember if Windows said anything one way or another.


> But I guess I am not using PageStream as much as I would like these
> days, so others are probably better at suggestion things.
> Greetings,
> Philip 'Vargr' Marquard
> On 08-07-2019 15:19, PageStream Support
> [PageStreamSupport] wrote:
>> Hello,
>> What would you want to see in a Windows version that is in the current
>> Amiga version that is _not_ in the current Windows version? Other than
>> Arexx support, I'm not aware of any differences. Better printer support?
>> The interface graphics are certainly a little long in the tooth these
>> days, but that is not a functionality issue.
>> Deron
>> On 7/7/19 8:11 PM, LAWRENCE KELLER
>> [PageStreamSupport] wrote:
>>> All:
>>> I wanted, and still want, an updated version of PageStream. I had
>>> hoped for an AmigaOS 4.1 version as the program works best on the OS.
>>> However, a viable Windows 10 version updated to Amiga standards is
>>> more likely. For me, this would be worth paying up to $200 for a full
>>> functioning PS - PageStream - program.
>>> Sadly, I doubt Deron would have a sufficient market for his efforts. I
>>> am just glad he provided such as powerful and easy to use program on
>>> the best OS during the major portion of my academic career. He more
>>> than paid his dues and so I am stuck with much less powerful and
>>> clumsy to use desktop publishing.
>>> Dr. Larry Keller
>>> Ohio Amigan
>>> _,_._,___

2019-07-08 21:07:14 CT #13
P. Marquard
From: Denmark
Registered: 2006-10-29
Posts: 79
Re. japanese text:
  • Copying text in
    • writing japanese text in LibreOffice Writer
    • mark and copy
    • go to Pagestream, make text bok, select text tool
    • paste text in:
      • Nothing happens except text changes to double width (like this: T h i s   i s   a   t e s t)
  • Using windows to write japanese text directly
    • A box appears in the upper left corner with the text I am typing and japanese choices below
    • Select appropriate signs
    • Hit enter:
      • Result is a number of ?-signs equal to the number of Japanese signs.
  • Importing a Japanese text
    • Writing a Japanese text in LibreOffice Writer
    • Save it as RTF (to make sure PageStream can import it)
    • Import the resulting RTF into PageStream
    • PageStream asks for type of text codes - all four types (one with the name "" (nothing)) tried
      • PageStream seems to think briefly, flickers/updates the GUI and then nothing else happens

Well, this is as far as I get.

All this is in Win10.


Philip 'Vargr' Marquard

On 08-07-2019 19:00, PageStream Support [PageStreamSupport] wrote:
On 7/8/19 10:25 AM, 'P. Marquard' 
[PageStreamSupport] wrote:
Nice hearing from you, Deron. :-)

Now I have to go and dust off my old Amiga to see what differences there

But what just springs to mind is better printer support (I have to
export to PDF and print out thriough a PDF program).

Agreed, I acknowledged that.

Support for MS IME (specifically, the ability to write Japanese text) -
I have read it is possible but I have never succeeded.

Reasonable, though limited interest for most customers. Can you import 
text with those characters?

The user interface is actually not too bad - it has aged with grace. I
see brand new software with horrible user interfaces (such as ribbons).

The strange issue with the windows disappearing when you change focus to
another program (I know - really minor issue and hardly worth speding
time on - especially since they come back when PageStream is once again
in focus).

:-) That is intentional. Supposed to reduce screen clutter when the App 
is not the active app. Part of the Mac UI style guide and I just stuck 
with it. I don't remember if Windows said anything one way or another.


But I guess I am not using PageStream as much as I would like these
days, so others are probably better at suggestion things.


Philip 'Vargr' Marquard

On 08-07-2019 15:19, PageStream Support

2019-07-08 18:38:14 CT #14
From: Unknown
Registered: 2011-11-19
Posts: 198

Hi Larry,

What are you using these days?

Carl Skala

On 7/7/19 9:11 PM, LAWRENCE KELLER
[PageStreamSupport] wrote:
> All:
> I wanted, and still want, an updated version of PageStream. I had hoped for an AmigaOS 4.1 version as the program works best on the OS. However, a viable Windows 10 version updated to Amiga standards is more likely. For me, this would be worth paying up to $200 for a full functioning PS - PageStream - program.
> Sadly, I doubt Deron would have a sufficient market for his efforts. I am just glad he provided such as powerful and easy to use program on the best OS during the major portion of my academic career. He more than paid his dues and so I am stuck with much less powerful and clumsy to use desktop publishing.
>> On July 7, 2019 at 3:32 PM "Mel Hallam [PageStreamSupport]" <> wrote:
>> My name is Mel, I live in Las Vegas, and I would like to lend my voice to this chorus. I've been PageStream user for seemingly ever, and I too would love to pay for an updated version.
>> On Sun, Jul 7, 2019, 9:16 AM 'P. Marquard' [PageStreamSupport] < > wrote:
>> > >
>>> I agree - I would definitely buy an updated version of PageStream (but not an any cost - have to be realistic here Smile )
>>> Greetings,
>>> Philip 'Vargr' Marquard
>>> On 04-07-2019 21:39, Ezequiel Partida [PageStreamSupport] wrote:
>>> > > >
>>>> Me, as many PGS Users would love to get a new version of PGS whatever it cost..
>>>> Ezequiel Partida
>>>> > >
>>> >
> Dr. Larry Keller
> Ohio Amigan

2019-07-09 18:08:40 CT #15
Tim Doty
From: United States
Registered: 2006-02-06
Posts: 2939


> On Jul 8, 2019, at 8:28 AM, PageStream Support [PageStreamSupport] <> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I'm not MIA, just only answer questions that need answering Smile I still
> help folks using PageStream3 even. I really should charge them!


> Mac has gotten very discouraging. Basically, to maintain PageStream on
> the Mac I need to completely rewrite the Mac parts. Years ago when I
> started the Mac port, Carbon was the established OS libraries and Cocoa
> was new on the scene. Steve Jobs announced that Carbon and Cocoa would
> always be developed hand in hand, no need to worry etc etc. So I picked
> Carbon since it was well documented etc.

By coincidence I accidentally discovered yesterday that PgS is working on my mac again. Not sure what caused it to stop working and now to start working, but I do have a support question:

The document uses the “Titles” font that, if memory serves, was distributed with PgS at one time. Unfortunately it is not installed on my current system and with a generic name like that I, unsurprisingly, have not been able to track it down (yet).

So… I’m hoping someone can direct me to the font.

> As you may know, this latest OS X release drops all support for Carbon
> apps. So if you upgrade your OS, PageStream will cease to function. This
> has been several years coming, but it is very discouraging work for me
> since PageStream already worked on the Mac. Imagine having to rebuild
> your house from the ground up because the law said your structural
> lumber now needs to be painted blue, and no one is going to pay you for
> your work since your house will still be the same square footage etc.
> Anyway, I might still do it. I've written Cocoa code since then, even
> iOS apps. Not a difficult task, just a time consuming one.

It would be cool if you did, if nothing else to retain access to my historic files. That said, I expect I’ll have to keep a mac with only Mojave for some time yet as PgS isn’t the only app I use that will no longer work (and the others don’t have even a remote chance of being updated).

> As far as new features, I'm not sure any I have on the "wishlist" is
> worth an upgrade fee. Other than long book publishing, PageStream works.

PageStream does work, and is much appreciated. Things I’d like to see would be better support for font features. Its been too long so I don’t recall PgS specific shortcomings in this regard, but a quick check suggests that clig, calt and aalt are not supported (unless there’s an incantation I’ve forgotten Smile The fonts are not polished, much less professional, but I have done some that make creative use of those features (e.g., type ’42’ and get ‘XLII’ or ‘2112’ and get MMCXII)

PgS PDF export adds bookmarks, but IIRC does not make ToC entries into links.

Conditional styles would be great. That is, rule-based styles which allow things like “apply this character style to the first word” or “apply this character style to the text ’styleme’ “, etc.

Always mark paragraph styles at start of paragraph. Currently the position of the mark is essentially arbitrary which can lead to unexpected formatting.

Its been too long, but I’m pretty sure export with text codes could not handle everything (at the very least I’m pretty sure it can’t handle embedded/anchored) — ideally export would handle everything.

bidirectional text is also something I have long desired, but that’s right out and I know it Smile

Tim Doty

> Deron
> On 7/7/19 10:13 PM, Mike Kelley [PageStreamSupport]
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I remain hopeful that loyal folks like all of us - I started using
> > Publishing Partner on the Atari ST series back in the very early 1980s
> > and did a lot of Beta testing - can sweet talk Deron into a major
> > update for which I am certain quite a number of us would be willing to
> > pay an appropriate price for such an update.
> >
> > My update would be best for my MacBook Pro, but since I am building a
> > Windows 10 desktop to supplement it I could live with either.
> >
> > After Deron was MIA for quite some time I was delighted to find that
> > he and his are doing well.
> >
> > Perhaps being pleasantly persistent...
> >
> > Mike Kelley
> --
> Deron Kazmaier -
> Grasshopper LLC Publishing -
PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

2019-07-10 07:43:22 CT #16
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4640

Hi Tim!

On 7/9/19 6:08 PM, Tim Doty [PageStreamSupport] wrote:
> By coincidence I accidentally discovered yesterday that PgS is
> working on my mac again. Not sure what caused it to stop working and
> now to start working, but I do have a support question:
> The document uses the “Titles” font that, if memory serves, was distributed with PgS at one time. Unfortunately it is not installed on my current system and with a generic name like that I, unsurprisingly, have not been able to track it down (yet).
> So… I’m hoping someone can direct me to the font.

Sorry. I don't see it in any release folder and I don't remember a font
by that name. Probably not from a PageStream distribution. I scoured my
test fonts folders and I don't see it there either...

> PageStream does work, and is much appreciated. Things I’d like to see
> would be better support for font features. Its been too long so I
> don’t recall PgS specific shortcomings in this regard, but a quick
> check suggests that clig, calt and aalt are not supported (unless
> there’s an incantation I’ve forgotten Smile The fonts are not polished,
> much less professional, but I have done some that make creative use of
> those features (e.g., type ’42’ and get ‘XLII’ or ‘2112’ and get
> PgS PDF export adds bookmarks, but IIRC does not make ToC entries into links.
> Conditional styles would be great. That is, rule-based styles which allow things like “apply this character style to the first word” or “apply this character style to the text ’styleme’ “, etc.
> Always mark paragraph styles at start of paragraph. Currently the position of the mark is essentially arbitrary which can lead to unexpected formatting.
> Its been too long, but I’m pretty sure export with text codes could not handle everything (at the very least I’m pretty sure it can’t handle embedded/anchored) — ideally export would handle everything.
> bidirectional text is also something I have long desired, but that’s right out and I know it Smile

Thanks for the feedback!

On a personal note, my wife and I bought a home back in Missouri. South
Dakota was not the place we wanted to grow old, and neither of us could
imagine living there without the outer so we decided it was time to make
the move while we could. Nothing short of a miracle. I hope to cross
paths with you someday if you are still in the Rolla area. We are just
outside of Boonville, right on the Katy Trail.


> Tim Doty
>> Deron
>> On 7/7/19 10:13 PM, Mike Kelley [PageStreamSupport]
>> wrote:
>>> I remain hopeful that loyal folks like all of us - I started using
>>> Publishing Partner on the Atari ST series back in the very early 1980s
>>> and did a lot of Beta testing - can sweet talk Deron into a major
>>> update for which I am certain quite a number of us would be willing to
>>> pay an appropriate price for such an update.
>>> My update would be best for my MacBook Pro, but since I am building a
>>> Windows 10 desktop to supplement it I could live with either.
>>> After Deron was MIA for quite some time I was delighted to find that
>>> he and his are doing well.
>>> Perhaps being pleasantly persistent...
>>> Mike Kelley

2019-07-09 22:27:52 CT #17
Michael Kelley
From: United States
Registered: 2007-11-22
Posts: 6
I'm keeping the MacBook Pro, but building a Windows desktop.  Would Pagestream continue to work on that?

See, I'm so dedicated I'm even building a new computer with an IS I generally loath.


On Tue, Jul 9, 2019 at 19:57 Tim Doty [PageStreamSupport] <> wrote:


> On Jul 8, 2019, at 8:28 AM, PageStream Support [PageStreamSupport] <> wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> I'm not MIA, just only answer questions that need answering :-) I still
> help folks using PageStream3 even. I really should charge them!


> Mac has gotten very discouraging. Basically, to maintain PageStream on
> the Mac I need to completely rewrite the Mac parts. Years ago when I
> started the Mac port, Carbon was the established OS libraries and Cocoa
> was new on the scene. Steve Jobs announced that Carbon and Cocoa would
> always be developed hand in hand, no need to worry etc etc. So I picked
> Carbon since it was well documented etc.

By coincidence I accidentally discovered yesterday that PgS is working on my mac again. Not sure what caused it to stop working and now to start working, but I do have a support question:

The document uses the “Titles” font that, if memory serves, was distributed with PgS at one time. Unfortunately it is not installed on my current system and with a generic name like that I, unsurprisingly, have not been able to track it down (yet).

So… I’m hoping someone can direct me to the font.

> As you may know, this latest OS X release drops all support for Carbon
> apps. So if you upgrade your OS, PageStream will cease to function. This
> has been several years coming, but it is very discouraging work for me
> since PageStream already worked on the Mac. Imagine having to rebuild
> your house from the ground up because the law said your structural
> lumber now needs to be painted blue, and no one is going to pay you for
> your work since your house will still be the same square footage etc.
> Anyway, I might still do it. I've written Cocoa code since then, even
> iOS apps. Not a difficult task, just a time consuming one.

It would be cool if you did, if nothing else to retain access to my historic files. That said, I expect I’ll have to keep a mac with only Mojave for some time yet as PgS isn’t the only app I use that will no longer work (and the others don’t have even a remote chance of being updated).

> As far as new features, I'm not sure any I have on the "wishlist" is
> worth an upgrade fee. Other than long book publishing, PageStream works.

PageStream does work, and is much appreciated. Things I’d like to see would be better support for font features. Its been too long so I don’t recall PgS specific shortcomings in this regard, but a quick check suggests that clig, calt and aalt are not supported (unless there’s an incantation I’ve forgotten :) The fonts are not polished, much less professional, but I have done some that make creative use of those features (e.g., type ’42’ and get ‘XLII’ or ‘2112’ and get MMCXII)

PgS PDF export adds bookmarks, but IIRC does not make ToC entries into links.

Conditional styles would be great. That is, rule-based styles which allow things like “apply this character style to the first word” or “apply this character style to the text ’styleme’ “, etc.

Always mark paragraph styles at start of paragraph. Currently the position of the mark is essentially arbitrary which can lead to unexpected formatting.

Its been too long, but I’m pretty sure export with text codes could not handle everything (at the very least I’m pretty sure it can’t handle embedded/anchored) — ideally export would handle everything.

bidirectional text is also something I have long desired, but that’s right out and I know it :)

Tim Doty

> Deron
> On 7/7/19 10:13 PM, Mike Kelley [PageStreamSupport]
> wrote:
> >
> >
> > I remain hopeful that loyal folks like all of us - I started using
> > Publishing Partner on the Atari ST series back in the very early 1980s
> > and did a lot of Beta testing - can sweet talk Deron into a major
> > update for which I am certain quite a number of us would be willing to
> > pay an appropriate price for such an update.
> >
> > My update would be best for my MacBook Pro, but since I am building a
> > Windows 10 desktop to supplement it I could live with either.
> >
> > After Deron was MIA for quite some time I was delighted to find that
> > he and his are doing well.
> >
> > Perhaps being pleasantly persistent...
> >
> > Mike Kelley
> --
> Deron Kazmaier -
> Grasshopper LLC Publishing -
> PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

2019-07-10 07:49:52 CT #18
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4640

On 7/9/19 10:27 PM, Mike Kelley [PageStreamSupport]
> I'm keeping the MacBook Pro, but building a Windows desktop.  Would
> Pagestream continue to work on that?
> See, I'm so dedicated I'm even building a new computer with an IS I
> generally loath.
> Mike

I must admit I loath Windows, but as far as maintaining backwards
compatibility you should have little problem. You would need to add the
font path inside PageStream for the system fonts, and to print to
network printers you might have to save a PDF and then print that.


Deron Kazmaier -
Grasshopper LLC Publishing -
DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

2019-07-10 12:31:26 CT #19
Tim Doty
From: United States
Registered: 2006-02-06
Posts: 2939

On Jul 10, 2019, at 7:43 AM, PageStream Support [PageStreamSupport] <> wrote:
> Hi Tim!
> On 7/9/19 6:08 PM, Tim Doty [PageStreamSupport] wrote:
> > By coincidence I accidentally discovered yesterday that PgS is
> > working on my mac again. Not sure what caused it to stop working and
> > now to start working, but I do have a support question:
> > The document uses the “Titles” font that, if memory serves, was distributed with PgS at one time. Unfortunately it is not installed on my current system and with a generic name like that I, unsurprisingly, have not been able to track it down (yet).
> >
> > So… I’m hoping someone can direct me to the font.
> Sorry. I don't see it in any release folder and I don't remember a font
> by that name. Probably not from a PageStream distribution. I scoured my
> test fonts folders and I don't see it there either…

Its old, was apparently part of the disk distribution (v3.3 era?). I kept carrying it forward between systems — apparently until I did not. Old, obscure font.

> > PageStream does work, and is much appreciated. Things I’d like to see
> > would be better support for font features. Its been too long so I
> > don’t recall PgS specific shortcomings in this regard, but a quick
> > check suggests that clig, calt and aalt are not supported (unless
> > there’s an incantation I’ve forgotten Smile The fonts are not polished,
> > much less professional, but I have done some that make creative use of
> > those features (e.g., type ’42’ and get ‘XLII’ or ‘2112’ and get
> > PgS PDF export adds bookmarks, but IIRC does not make ToC entries into links.
> >
> > Conditional styles would be great. That is, rule-based styles which allow things like “apply this character style to the first word” or “apply this character style to the text ’styleme’ “, etc.
> >
> > Always mark paragraph styles at start of paragraph. Currently the position of the mark is essentially arbitrary which can lead to unexpected formatting.
> >
> > Its been too long, but I’m pretty sure export with text codes could not handle everything (at the very least I’m pretty sure it can’t handle embedded/anchored) — ideally export would handle everything.
> >
> > bidirectional text is also something I have long desired, but that’s right out and I know it Smile
> Thanks for the feedback!

You are welcome!

> On a personal note, my wife and I bought a home back in Missouri. South
> Dakota was not the place we wanted to grow old, and neither of us could
> imagine living there without the outer so we decided it was time to make
> the move while we could. Nothing short of a miracle. I hope to cross
> paths with you someday if you are still in the Rolla area. We are just
> outside of Boonville, right on the Katy Trail.

Cool! I’m still in Rolla and that sounds like fun.

Tim Doty

> Deron
> >
> > Tim Doty
> >
> >> Deron
> >>
> >> On 7/7/19 10:13 PM, Mike Kelley [PageStreamSupport]
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I remain hopeful that loyal folks like all of us - I started using
> >>> Publishing Partner on the Atari ST series back in the very early 1980s
> >>> and did a lot of Beta testing - can sweet talk Deron into a major
> >>> update for which I am certain quite a number of us would be willing to
> >>> pay an appropriate price for such an update.
> >>>
> >>> My update would be best for my MacBook Pro, but since I am building a
> >>> Windows 10 desktop to supplement it I could live with either.
> >>>
> >>> After Deron was MIA for quite some time I was delighted to find that
> >>> he and his are doing well.
> >>>
> >>> Perhaps being pleasantly persistent...
> >>>
> >>> Mike Kelley

2019-07-10 21:24:20 CT #20
T.J. Zweers
From: Netherlands
Registered: 2006-02-07
Posts: 331

Op 10-7-2019 om 14:43 schreef PageStream Support

Very nice to hear that you both moved to or near a village. I hope you
have a good life there!

> [...]
> On a personal note, my wife and I bought a home back in Missouri. South
> Dakota was not the place we wanted to grow old, and neither of us could
> imagine living there without the outer so we decided it was time to make
> the move while we could. Nothing short of a miracle. I hope to cross
> paths with you someday if you are still in the Rolla area. We are just
> outside of Boonville, right on the Katy Trail.
> Deron
>> [...]
> ------------------------------------
> Posted by: PageStream Support <>
> ------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo Groups Links
> .

Redacteur, illustrator bij

2019-07-11 02:47:32 CT #21
Richard E. Crislip
From: Unknown
Registered: 2019-12-21
Posts: 177

On Wed, 10 Jul 2019 07:43:22 -0500
"PageStream Support [PageStreamSupport]"
<> wrote:
> On a personal note, my wife and I bought a home back in Missouri.
> South Dakota was not the place we wanted to grow old, and neither of
> us could imagine living there without the outer so we decided it was
> time to make the move while we could. Nothing short of a miracle. I
> hope to cross paths with you someday if you are still in the Rolla
> area. We are just outside of Boonville, right on the Katy Trail.
Sounds like a smart move to me. N. Dakota gets mighty cold during

2019-07-11 10:24:38 CT #22
From: Unknown
Registered: 2019-07-11
Posts: 31

Hi Deron,

FYI, I could find that font on my Amiga PgS 3.2/3.3 floppies, and also with some PgS 4.x releases - I believe you stopped including fonts somewhere in the 4.x series. The font Tim was looking for was in "StudioFonts".


-----Original Message-----
From: <>
Sent: Wednesday, 10 July 2019 22:43
Subject: Re: [PageStreamSupport] Pagestream for Linux GTK requirements.

Hi Tim!

On 7/9/19 6:08 PM, Tim Doty [PageStreamSupport] wrote:
> By coincidence I accidentally discovered yesterday that PgS is
> working on my mac again. Not sure what caused it to stop working and
> now to start working, but I do have a support question:
> The document uses the “Titles” font that, if memory serves, was distributed with PgS at one time. Unfortunately it is not installed on my current system and with a generic name like that I, unsurprisingly, have not been able to track it down (yet).
> So… I’m hoping someone can direct me to the font.

Sorry. I don't see it in any release folder and I don't remember a font by that name.. Probably not from a PageStream distribution. I scoured my test fonts folders and I don't see it there either...

> PageStream does work, and is much appreciated. Things I’d like to see
> would be better support for font features. Its been too long so I
> don’t recall PgS specific shortcomings in this regard, but a quick
> check suggests that clig, calt and aalt are not supported (unless
> there’s an incantation I’ve forgotten Smile The fonts are not polished,
> much less professional, but I have done some that make creative use of
> those features (e.g., type ’42’ and get ‘XLII’ or ‘2112’ and get
PgS PDF export adds bookmarks, but IIRC does not make ToC entries into links.
> Conditional styles would be great. That is, rule-based styles which allow things like “apply this character style to the first word” or “apply this character style to the text ’styleme’ “, etc.
> Always mark paragraph styles at start of paragraph. Currently the position of the mark is essentially arbitrary which can lead to unexpected formatting.
> Its been too long, but I’m pretty sure export with text codes could not handle everything (at the very least I’m pretty sure it can’t handle embedded/anchored) — ideally export would handle everything.
> bidirectional text is also something I have long desired, but that’s
> right out and I know it Smile

Thanks for the feedback!

On a personal note, my wife and I bought a home back in Missouri. South Dakota was not the place we wanted to grow old, and neither of us could imagine living there without the outer so we decided it was time to make the move while we could. Nothing short of a miracle. I hope to cross paths with you someday if you are still in the Rolla area. We are just outside of Boonville, right on the Katy Trail.


> Tim Doty
>> Deron
>> On 7/7/19 10:13 PM, Mike Kelley
>> [PageStreamSupport]
>> wrote:
>>> I remain hopeful that loyal folks like all of us - I started using
>>> Publishing Partner on the Atari ST series back in the very early
>>> 1980s and did a lot of Beta testing - can sweet talk Deron into a
>>> major update for which I am certain quite a number of us would be
>>> willing to pay an appropriate price for such an update.
>>> My update would be best for my MacBook Pro, but since I am building
>>> a Windows 10 desktop to supplement it I could live with either.
>>> After Deron was MIA for quite some time I was delighted to find that
>>> he and his are doing well.
>>> Perhaps being pleasantly persistent...
>>> Mike Kelley

Posted by: PageStream Support <>


Yahoo Groups Links

2019-07-11 06:25:38 CT #23
Tim Doty
From: United States
Registered: 2006-02-06
Posts: 2939

Yes, Studio Fonts was what they were called. Thanks everyone, I have them now.

Tim Doty

> On Jul 10, 2019, at 7:24 PM, [PageStreamSupport] <> wrote:
> Hi Deron,
> FYI, I could find that font on my Amiga PgS 3.2/3.3 floppies, and also with some PgS 4.x releases - I believe you stopped including fonts somewhere in the 4.x series. The font Tim was looking for was in "StudioFonts".
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, 10 July 2019 22:43
> To:
> Subject: Re: [PageStreamSupport] Pagestream for Linux GTK requirements.
> Hi Tim!
> On 7/9/19 6:08 PM, Tim Doty [PageStreamSupport] wrote:
> > By coincidence I accidentally discovered yesterday that PgS is
> > working on my mac again. Not sure what caused it to stop working and
> > now to start working, but I do have a support question:
> > The document uses the “Titles” font that, if memory serves, was distributed with PgS at one time. Unfortunately it is not installed on my current system and with a generic name like that I, unsurprisingly, have not been able to track it down (yet).
> >
> > So… I’m hoping someone can direct me to the font.
> Sorry. I don't see it in any release folder and I don't remember a font by that name.. Probably not from a PageStream distribution. I scoured my test fonts folders and I don't see it there either...
> > PageStream does work, and is much appreciated. Things I’d like to see
> > would be better support for font features. Its been too long so I
> > don’t recall PgS specific shortcomings in this regard, but a quick
> > check suggests that clig, calt and aalt are not supported (unless
> > there’s an incantation I’ve forgotten Smile The fonts are not polished,
> > much less professional, but I have done some that make creative use of
> > those features (e.g., type ’42’ and get ‘XLII’ or ‘2112’ and get
> PgS PDF export adds bookmarks, but IIRC does not make ToC entries into links.
> >
> > Conditional styles would be great. That is, rule-based styles which allow things like “apply this character style to the first word” or “apply this character style to the text ’styleme’ “, etc.
> >
> > Always mark paragraph styles at start of paragraph. Currently the position of the mark is essentially arbitrary which can lead to unexpected formatting.
> >
> > Its been too long, but I’m pretty sure export with text codes could not handle everything (at the very least I’m pretty sure it can’t handle embedded/anchored) — ideally export would handle everything.
> >
> > bidirectional text is also something I have long desired, but that’s
> > right out and I know it Smile
> Thanks for the feedback!
> On a personal note, my wife and I bought a home back in Missouri. South Dakota was not the place we wanted to grow old, and neither of us could imagine living there without the outer so we decided it was time to make the move while we could. Nothing short of a miracle. I hope to cross paths with you someday if you are still in the Rolla area. We are just outside of Boonville, right on the Katy Trail.
> Deron
> >
> > Tim Doty
> >
> >> Deron
> >>
> >> On 7/7/19 10:13 PM, Mike Kelley
> >> [PageStreamSupport]
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I remain hopeful that loyal folks like all of us - I started using
> >>> Publishing Partner on the Atari ST series back in the very early
> >>> 1980s and did a lot of Beta testing - can sweet talk Deron into a
> >>> major update for which I am certain quite a number of us would be
> >>> willing to pay an appropriate price for such an update.
> >>>
> >>> My update would be best for my MacBook Pro, but since I am building
> >>> a Windows 10 desktop to supplement it I could live with either..
> >>>
> >>> After Deron was MIA for quite some time I was delighted to find that
> >>> he and his are doing well.
> >>>
> >>> Perhaps being pleasantly persistent...
> >>>
> >>> Mike Kelley
> ------------------------------------
> Posted by: PageStream Support <>
> ------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------
> Yahoo Groups Links

2019-07-11 12:07:45 CT #24
Lawrence F. Keller
From: United States
Registered: 2006-02-15
Posts: 65


I just miss my AmigaOS with the workbench replacement from GP software. However, Windows 10 is quite decent. Good to know all features are in the Windows version. For my money, you created one of the if not the best productivity programs and stuck to it through tough times. You deserve revenue from an update!

Hope all is well and good to hear from you.

On 08-Jul-19 9:19 AM, PageStream Support [PageStreamSupport] wrote:


What would you want to see in a Windows version that is in the current
Amiga version that is _not_ in the current Windows version? Other than
Arexx support, I'm not aware of any differences. Better printer support?
The interface graphics are certainly a little long in the tooth these
days, but that is not a functionality issue.


On 7/7/19 8:11 PM, LAWRENCE KELLER
[PageStreamSupport] wrote:
> All:
> I wanted, and still want, an updated version of PageStream. I had
> hoped for an AmigaOS 4.1 version as the program works best on the OS.
> However, a viable Windows 10 version updated to Amiga standards is
> more likely. For me, this would be worth paying up to $200 for a full
> functioning PS - PageStream - program.
> Sadly, I doubt Deron would have a sufficient market for his efforts. I
> am just glad he provided such as powerful and easy to use program on
> the best OS during the major portion of my academic career. He more
> than paid his dues and so I am stuck with much less powerful and
> clumsy to use desktop publishing.
> Dr. Larry Keller
> Ohio Amigan
> _,_._,___

Deron Kazmaier -
Grasshopper LLC Publishing -
PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

Dr. Larry Keller
Ohio Amigan
2019-07-12 08:28:53 CT #25
David Breakey
From: United States
Registered: 2006-03-05
Posts: 64

Gah: I sound like an ad... not intentional--just really enthusiastic about this (still) incredible bit of software. I'm now a solid Linux user, and this is one of the few pieces of software (along with Pgs, natch) that I will still happily pay for.

Directory Opus is alive and well, for Windows, and still works just as beautifully as it did for my Amiga.

Unlike the Amiga, I wouldn't consider it an essential purchase--where it just completely out-performed Workbench in just about every way--but it still is a significant improvement over the default facilities in Windows. It doesn't quite function as a complete replacement (at least in Win10), but close.

Features that I can remember as unique to the Windows version (going from memory here: my Amiga hasn't worked in well over a decade. Sigh):

  • Integrated FTP support, including site-to-site file copy, when supported by the remote servers.
    • FTP is treated as a first-class citizen: you can interact with an FTP site almost like it were a completely local folder, and DirOpus will make it "just work".
  • Ability to "copy" your installation over to a USB stick; you can then plug that stick into any Windows PC, and you'll have your complete DirOpus install readily available. Really valuable for IT pros.
And it still supports all features that you remember; multiple windows; multiple listers; extensive customization. Etc, etc, etc.

Anyway; sorry. Back to the regular schedule.

On 7/11/19 10:07 AM, 'Dr. Larry Keller' [PageStreamSupport] wrote:


I just miss my AmigaOS with the workbench replacement from GP software. However, Windows 10 is quite decent. Good to know all features are in the Windows version. For my money, you created one of the if not the best productivity programs and stuck to it through tough times. You deserve revenue from an update!

Hope all is well and good to hear from you.

On 08-Jul-19 9:19 AM, PageStream Support [PageStreamSupport] wrote:


What would you want to see in a Windows version that is in the current
Amiga version that is _not_ in the current Windows version? Other than
Arexx support, I'm not aware of any differences. Better printer support?
The interface graphics are certainly a little long in the tooth these
days, but that is not a functionality issue.


On 7/7/19 8:11 PM, LAWRENCE KELLER
[PageStreamSupport] wrote:
> All:
> I wanted, and still want, an updated version of PageStream. I had
> hoped for an AmigaOS 4.1 version as the program works best on the OS.
> However, a viable Windows 10 version updated to Amiga standards is
> more likely. For me, this would be worth paying up to $200 for a full
> functioning PS - PageStream - program.
> Sadly, I doubt Deron would have a sufficient market for his efforts. I
> am just glad he provided such as powerful and easy to use program on
> the best OS during the major portion of my academic career. He more
> than paid his dues and so I am stuck with much less powerful and
> clumsy to use desktop publishing.
> Dr. Larry Keller
> Ohio Amigan
> _,_._,___

Deron Kazmaier -
Grasshopper LLC Publishing -
PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

Dr. Larry Keller
Ohio Amigan
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