>*** Documents: The layout grid *** >On the previous chapter the pointer to this chapter is as stated above, >but when I get to the chapter the word 'Document:' is left out, also >with the 'previous pointer' from the next document in line.
It's a new chapter of the manual (document), but goes to the first section of the document chapter, The Layout Grid.
>This chapter is flawed as it misuses the word "grid". A grid in PgS is >a page full of dots. I suggest calling the chapter 'The Layout of >guides' and replacing some of the occurrences of the word "grid" with >the words 'of guides'. The link to "Guides and the Grid" is an accurate >description. Or possibly another term like Mesh or Lattice could be >used.
Well, traditionally this _is_ called the layout grid. The fact that the design tool in PageStream that helps follow the predetermined layout grid is the guides I guess is confusing. I tried to rework it, but while it may be confusing, it is the traidtional term used. I couldn't bring myself to try and rename the concept...
I'll put a disclaimer in the text, and put a note in the food for thoughts section of the readme. Maybe something will come to me.
>*** Master Pages *** >"To change how master page objects are shown on the current page:" >This is how I'd write it, but I think it would be smoother to replace >the word "how" with the words 'the way'.
>*** Pages/Moving Between Pages/To move to a page using the Page Palette: >*** >"Double click on the page to move to." Could be: - >'Double click on the page icon for the page you wish to move to.' Or >'Double click on a page icon to move to that page.'
>*** Pages/Page Arrangement/Inserting pages/To insert pages with the Page >palette: *** >The image here is OK, but would be better if it showed the vertical bar. >Also, when working with pages displayed in the Page Palette, you >sometimes refer to them as page icons and some time as pages. I think >the term page icons should be always used.
>*** Pages/Page Arrangement/Moving pages/To move pages with the Page >palette: *** >This paragraph needs some minor changes. Here is the sentence followed >by the suggested changed version. >"Select the icons of the pages to move." >'Select the icons of the pages you wish to move.' or >'Select the icons for the pages you wish to move.'
Hmm. These are directions to a specific "question". The extra verbage could be added to almost every set of directions. "Select the page to delete" vs "Select the page you wish to delete." Seems redundant. I'm certainly not an English major (heck, barely an english user 
>"Drag the icons between the pages where you want to move them." >'Drag the selected icons between the page icons where you want to move >them to.' >"...correctly positioned the page icon." >'...correctly positioned the icons of the selected pages.'
Ok. reworked it some.
>*** Pages/Page Arrangement/Moving pages/To move pages with a dialog box: >*** >This paragraph needs some minor changes. >"Select the chapter from which the pages are to be moved and enter the >range of pages to move." >'Select the chapter and enter the range of the pages to be moved.' >"Then select the chapter to which the pages are to be moved and before >or after which page to move them. Click Move." >'Then select the chapter, before or after and enter the page number of >the location to which the pages are to be moved. Click Move.'[Still may >not be that great?]
Reworked it. At least it better follows the style in other sections.
>*** Pages/Page Spreads *** >"You can mix single and double-sided pages in a spread, and pages of >different sizes. PageStream will join them together as best as >possible." >'...join them together the best way possible.'
I changed it as suggested, but I almost deleted the whole sentence. It should either explain how PageStream deals with these situations or remain silent on the topic. I guess no one is really going to do something odd (like join a letter page to a business card page) so why bother explaining what would be done.
>*** Pages/Page Spreads/To remove a page from a page spread: *** >"To remove a page from a page spread:" I think the words "remove?" in >this paragraph should be replaced with word 'separate?'.(The ? is a >wildcard for s & d)
Agreed. Thanks again for all your input!
I'm going to fix up the information boxes and release this version. By all means, continue to provide feedback as you (and others!) can! I think the new docs are useful, and the help on tables, mail merge, etc will be much appreciated! (plus need to be reviewed!)
>Peter Martin pjmartin@magma.ca
Deron Kazmaier - support@grasshopperllc.com Grasshopper LLC Publishing -http://www.grasshopperllc.com PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows