Index » PageStream Support » General » PageStream5.1 first release
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2022-06-17 15:20:16 CT #1
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4640

Ok, first copy of PageStream5.1 has been found in the wild on Windows. If you caught one and don't know what to do with it, here is a good place to start asking!

2022-06-17 15:22:42 CT #2
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4640

I should add this the 32bit Windows version. I actually have a fully compiled 64bit version as well, but for some reason the flyout tools don't work Smile Once that is addressed, expect the second sighting to be Windows 64bit. MorphOS will be next, once I figure out why I can run a copy but a new tester can not. I'm currently working on fixing Alpha blending output to PostScript and PDF, which has been requested by the ever faithful Christoph at RMS. Thanks Christoph!

2022-06-18 10:06:05 CT #3
Steve Bowman
From: Australia
Registered: 2006-02-06
Posts: 456

Hi Deron,


Thanks very much for your continued support, it’s very much appreciated!


Just a quick note that on unzipping the archive (5.1 Pro in Windows), 7zip complains of files with identical names e.g. in PageStream5.1.0.x86\SoftLogik\Profiles\, a number of files have the name suffix in both upper and lower case, such as LCMSLABI.ICM and LCMSLABI.icm and so on.  7zip offers to automatically rename such clashes so it’s possible such clashes exist elsewhere within the archive.


On comparing 5.1.0 with I notice many files are very much larger in size e.g. PageStream5.1.0.x86\SoftLogik\Filters\.  The ReadMe.ReleaseNotes.txt notes that this is a beta, so perhaps these have been compiled with debugging info?


Speaking of ReleaseNotes, are there any yet for 5.1.0?  :^)


I also noticed the following Mac .DS_Store files which I guess need not be present in the Windows release:








Anyway, that’s what I’ve noticed so far.







From: PageStream Forums <>
Sent: Saturday, 18 June 2022 6:25
To: Steve Bowman <>
Subject: PageStream5.1 first release


Ok, first copy of PageStream5.1 has been found in the wild on Windows. If you caught one and don't know what to do with it, here is a good place to start asking!


Posted by: Deron Kazmaier <>

From: United States

Registered: 2006-01-29

Posts: 4608

2022-06-17 21:41:10 CT #4
Ezequiel Partida
From: Mexico
Registered: 2006-02-07
Posts: 6

Hello Deron,

You made me a VERY HAPPY GUY to see Pagestream 5.1 released. I did noticed it´s much faster to load,
Pagestream 5.1 rock!!

Ezequiel Partida

2022-06-18 00:14:58 CT #5
Neil Pearson
From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 133

I've downloaded the v5.1 for Windows (32 bit) and I'm in the process of setting it up. It installed fairly painlessly, which makes a really nice change.

I miss the narrow bordered toolbox dragbar, and as the vertical toolbox dragbar is almost entirely covered by the close gadget I've opted for the horizontal option, but it all takes up extra space on the desktop. Can this be better optimised in the near future?

Also, the preferences for the Toolbar once you click on a gadget to move it, it then shuffles the one you just moved/clicked on, so it is virtually instantaneously the bottom gadget in the column of the gadgets, so you have to move them back up again to get to the next one ... each time ... which is a pain, so can this also get fixed quite soon.

I should also like to thank you for all your efforts of recent to make this release materialise for those of us who really enjoy using PageStream, and have waited patiently for it to re-surface, after quite a long hiatus. Very Happy

I'm hoping the MorphOS release is not that far behind this one, which would be my preferred release, but I can see the reasoning for making the Windows release available first.

By the way, the footer on these PageStream pages really does need fixing as it gets in the way of the text window if you make it larger to see what you've typed all at once in a larger text window, as well as the other issues it causes that obstruct other features of these webpages.

Onwards and upwards for our Publishing PageStream Partner. Laughing out loud

2022-06-18 04:32:26 CT #6
From: France
Registered: 2006-02-06
Posts: 13

Merci à Deron de cette bonne nouvelle.
J'utilise toujours Pagestream avec Windows 11 . C'est même le logiciel que j'utilise le plus.
J'ai juste un problème avec la nouvelle version, le lancement de scripts externe n'est pas autorisé, comme si Python n'était pas disponible. Tout marche bien avec la version
J'ai beaucoup de scripts pour automatiser mon utilisation de Pagestream. En particulier pour l'écriture de formules de mécanique avec des vecteurs et des torseurs. J'ai fais une police de caractères spéciaux pour cela. J'ai aussi perfectionné un programme de tracé de courbes qui pourra peut-être intéresser d'autres utilisateurs de Pagestream.
Je voulais mettre tout cela sur un site que je suis entrain de faire, mais cela n'est pas ma spécialité et je n'ai pas beaucoup avancé. La nouvelle version 5.1 est une très bonne raison de reprendre ce site. Je vous tiens au courant.
Encore un grand bravo à Deron

Thanks to Deron for this good news.
I still use Pagestream with Windows 11. It is even the software that I use the most.
I just have a problem with the new version, launching external scripts is not allowed, as if Python is not available. Everything works fine with version
I have many scripts to automate my use of Pagestream. Especially for writing mechanical formulas with vectors and torsors. I made a special font for it. I have also perfected a curve plotting program which may be of interest to other Pagestream users.
I wanted to put all this on a site that I'm doing, but it's not my specialty and I haven't made much progress. The new version 5.1 is a very good reason to take over this site. I'll keep you informed.
Congratulations again to Deron

2022-06-18 06:06:25 CT #7
Mike Allen
From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2006-02-08
Posts: 134

When I saw the email (BTW, thanks) I thought it was a spoof, or a message archived and escaped from some deep, distant Yahooing past. Yes, I am of little faith, I know.

Installed 5.1 and it picks up the .ini file from the installation, so all good there.
Seems to be working very well, AFAICT, although it keeps a console/DOS window open (but that's not a problem).
It seems a little faster to respond to user input, so again, that's good.

My thanks, therefore, to Deron for even bothering. Will use a bit more to remind me of its benefits.

Mike Allen
Bracknell, UK
Windows 11Pro 22H2 64-bit(obvs) via Dell i9-9900 32GB

2022-06-18 08:55:22 CT #8
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4640

Thanks to all for your kind words! I see right away I need some way to quote folks Smile If you don't know, I wrote this forum site a year or two ago when Yahoo was shutting down. I needed some place to dump all the messages. I didn't want to loose the years of discussions, even if just for nostalgia's sake.

Steve Bowman: Yes, the console window and the debug info in the executables is a symptom how long since I last did this. Just forgot to take care of that!

Release notes just don't exist for this version. It was probably the number one reason I never released a version all this time. I stopped the whole administrative part of PageStream and just fixed stuff when it presented itself. I have all of the code changes themselves. Luckily I moved to a version control system many years ago, but the administrative side of that was not handled all that well either. As I recall, the biggest changes revolved around PDF export, path math and crashing issues. BME got an internal face lift once to make it support enormous bitmaps.

Neil Pearson: I saw the changes in the interface as well, just have not looked into it. Nothing was changed in that part of the code, but everything is now compiled on a Linux box so the crosscompiler api might be wrong. I'm starting to think that is why the 64bit Windows flyouts don't work. I would expect interface to change with newer versions of Windows, but that doesn't explain the same Windows showing two different interfaces between 5.0 and 5.1.

Andre Monerau: Python should have still worked, but I have to be honest I never tested it. It (and everything else mentioned here) is now on the new bug list. I'll try and setup some simple way to administrate this so I can keep a better,easier grip on this side of things.

Mike Allen: You can't be blamed for being skeptical! This has weighed heavy on me for years. Kind of a catch 22 situation. I couldn't afford to do this full time, and then the changes didn't seem worth the trouble, and as time went on it seemed like I should have more to show for the time lost.

Thanks again,

2022-06-19 10:28:39 CT #9
From: France
Registered: 2006-02-06
Posts: 13

Si vous voulez voir du PAGESTREAM, j'ai commencé à remettre des éléments Pagetsream sur mon site :

Enjoy, je mettrais bientôt encore d'autres éléments Pagestream.

Merci encore à Deron

2022-06-20 20:24:02 CT #10
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4640

A few points that have come up that I should share. First, I changed the version number from to 5.1 because of the time that has gone by since the previous release. I also bumped all PageStream5.0 owners to PageStream5.1. A couple people have asked if I will be charging for this, and how to get out of demo mode. If you sign in to your account at and click on the My Profile, you will see the new Product Key for PageStream 5.1 which you will need to use instead of the previous key for 5.0.

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Index » PageStream Support » General » PageStream5.1 first release

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