G'day Deron,
Tried to reply on the forum page regards 5.1 release but the box for text input was obstructed by the grey details box at the bottom.
However, I would like to thank you for the new version. Like many others I was sceptical that the email announcement may be a scam. Even so I was interested enough to take the risk, pleased I did. Though I had not used Pagestream for some time (after many Windows updates) I did get around to installing 5.0 again about one year ago to see if it would even run and was pleasantly surprised that it did. The UI was a bit tired, possibly due to the lower screen resolutions that were normal back then. I have downloaded/installed 5.1 and look forward to re-acquainting myself with it.
Though over the years I have used OpenOffice then LibreOffice (avoid anything MS if possible) for general word processing I find even those more modern programs annoying for some items (mainly graphics placement) I can now feel happy that Pagestream is again there to enable me to do what 'I am intending', not 'having to put up with'.
Thank you again, I feel sure there will be many others pleased with this update (and the 64 bit version). Will the new version be available for purchase on the website?
Cheers for now! Steve.