Index » PageStream Support » General » Can't export a picture as valid PNG or JPEG
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2022-10-17 19:50:15 CT #1
Paul Zager
From: United States
Registered: 2006-02-10
Posts: 75

Create text frame for page. Add a simple text box. Add a simple JPEG. Select all with CTRL-A. Export as a PNG or JPEG. The resulting file will not open in Adobe Photoshop, saying it's an invalid file type.

The same file can be IMported back into PgS, but the background (alpha?) has changed color.

I used to do this all the time to create images for Facebook. Can't get it to work now. Have I forgotten a needed step? Or is something broken in PgS? Using Windoze PgS 5.1.2 from 10/17/22.

Paul Zager

2022-10-18 08:02:10 CT #2
Paul Zager
From: United States
Registered: 2006-02-10
Posts: 75

typos in title: "Export" "a pic"

I've found a partial solution. I had ofrgotten to manually add the .png or .jpg extensions manually on the file name.

But while the jpg shows up in Adobe Photoeditor, the colors have changed from the way they showed in PgS. And the .pmg will open in Adobe now, but it has a gray checkered pattern all acrross the image, and the colors are way off.


2022-10-21 02:22:21 CT #3
Neil Pearson
From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 133

@ Paul Zager - "... And the .png will open in Adobe now, but it has a gray checkered pattern all acrross the image, and the colors are way off."

This also seems to be the case with PNG files when exported in a PDF with the MorphOS version of PageStream which I have reported, though I haven't noticed that to be the case with jpg files - well not as yet. Wink

2022-10-21 07:42:16 CT #4
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4640

> I've found a partial solution. I had forgotten to manually add the
> .png or .jpg extensions manually on the file name.
That is already fixed for the next release. The extensions selector for
the file selector was broken because of the change to full Unicode.

> But while the jpg shows up in Adobe Photoeditor, the colors have
> changed from the way they showed in PgS. And the .pmg will open in
> Adobe now, but it has a gray checkered pattern all acrross the image,
> and the colors are way off.

Took me awhile to reproduce this problem, but I have now. Well, it is a
problem for me and I probably what you are talking about. I'll try and
get it fixed for the next release, but I was hoping for one at the end
of the month. Cross your fingers!


2022-10-21 16:31:07 CT #5
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4640

This also seems to be the case with PNG files when exported in a PDF with the MorphOS version of PageStream which I have reported, though I haven't noticed that to be the case with jpg files - well not as yet. Wink

Your issue is most likely that the PNG has an alpha mask which is broken in PDF export. JPEG does not support an alpha mask so won't encounter this problem. This is a different problem than the one initially reported here.


2022-10-23 02:00:04 CT #6
Neil Pearson
From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 133

@ Deron - so will the PNG mask issue be fixed for the next upcoming release as well? Wink

Oh! by the way, the smilie oops - is spelled opps - so doesn't work as it should - not sure you are aware of that! Razz

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Index » PageStream Support » General » Can't export a picture as valid PNG or JPEG

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