Index » PageStream Support » General » Looking For OTF Font Settings
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2023-07-07 00:24:57 CT #1
Tim Kahler
From: United States
Registered: 2007-04-23
Posts: 10

I'm trying to use my favorite OTF font. It's actually one that I created. The problem is, PageStream is defaulting to the old number (onum) styling and I can't find where to change that. I've tried it with both 5.1.2 and Am I just missing the setting's window or does PageStream not give you access to those?


2023-07-08 11:34:53 CT #2
Neil Pearson
From: United Kingdom
Registered: 2006-04-02
Posts: 133

Hi Tim, I'm not sure if this can be solved by changing the suffix to .ttf from .otf, which is basically required to be done with the MorphOS version, which usually works seamlessly with PageStream once that has been changed. Though I may have an issue with "Font Awesome5 FREE Solid" which is a TTF file, that only displays the 'icon' glyphs in the font file, and no other glyphs, but I haven't checked that as yet to see if there is any difference between my Windows and MorphOS version of the 2 versions 5.1.2 of PageStream. Cool

2023-07-09 15:37:32 CT #3
Tim Kahler
From: United States
Registered: 2007-04-23
Posts: 10

Thanks for the tip, I'll check that out.

2023-07-09 15:58:26 CT #4
Tim Kahler
From: United States
Registered: 2007-04-23
Posts: 10

Further testing reveals that not just Number styles are set to Old-style by default but also that Ligatures are fully enabled. I see this as a really big problem. Ideally, we need a way to set the following per selected text:
Standard Only
Standard and Contextual
Historical and Discretionary
Number Spacing:
Number Forms:
Contextual Alternates:

These settings aren't new, they're available in Word 2010. Hopefully adding settings for these won't be a big deal. Adding them would really set PageStream apart from the competition.

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Index » PageStream Support » General » Looking For OTF Font Settings

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