Index » PageStream Support » Macintosh OSX » Still print problems in PGS
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2010-10-16 00:17:39 CT #1
Michael Wilkins
From: Unknown
Registered: 2016-11-05
Posts: 8

I use an industry standard Canon LBP-1610 A3 (non - postscript) laser printer to print textbooks. This printer works 100% perfectly, error free with every single OSX app I throw at it . . . except PagesStream for OSX.

I use OS X 10.5.8 in a Dual Quad Core Mac Pro 3 Ghz with 9 gig RAM. I maintain this Mac Pro in peak condition and when testing PGS printing I do so from a cold boot. I have tried having "System Printing both ON and OFF - sometimes it has worked but more often. . it has not. I know my way around Macs.

I still cannot get reliable printing with any OSX version of PGS.

I also get strange occurrences when trying to print eg : PGS changes my OSX Fax/ Print preferences to U.S. Letter (I need to use A4). I have actually seen the prefs change from A4 to U.S. Letter before my eyes (had OSX prefs open during printing). It is almost as if OSX PGS is hardwired to U.S. Letter format.

Sometimes too, attempting to print an A4 document results in the Canon changing itself to U.S. Letter paper size. This of course kills any print output. Of course the default size in PageStream "Print Setup" is always set to A4.

I recently emailed Deron on this but had not had a reply yet.

I have all OSX versions including PGS

Currently I cannot print anything at all to the Canon laser from PGS, the Canon Print Monitor always displays "PRINT STOPPED".

I can only suggest that in view of the fact that every other app that I have installed in OSX 10.5.8 prints perfectly to this Canon laser that Deron might consider having a deep look at the Apple Printing SDK.

Whatever Deron did in the OS 9 version in regards to printing . .works flawlessly with this Canon Laser. Perhaps he could compare what is different in PGS - OSX printing compared to the OS 9 version.

My Canon is not new but is IS industry standard, it has been serviced by Canon recently and is in 'as new' condition and I re-iterate that every single OSX app on my Mac Pro that has print output, prints 100% correctly. PageStream does not - reliably. Sometimes it will but mostly it will not. It is extremely frustrating.

This morning I tried a very simple test from a cold boot. I created a new document in 3 of the latest PGS OSX releases from up to using Helvetica normal in 24 pt size. I simply typed "TEST".

I brought up the Canon LBP-1610 print Monitor to watch the progress.

Using "PGS "USe System Printing" I tried to print : The Print Monitor showed that the print output had been "STOPPED".

Next I turned off "Use System Printing" and went with PGS's "Print Setup". Again the print monitor showed that the print had been "STOPPED".

PGS is not correctly communicating with the Canon driver.

As it stands I rely on PageStream to run my business and have had to go back to the OS 9 version in an old G4 tower.

Why is it that PGS for OS 9 hooks into and calls up the Canon driver interface perfectly, identifies all paper input options, sizes etc but OSX PGS doesn't?

In PGS's Print Setup, PGS 'sees' my Canon LBP-1610 but does not identify the paper source which can be either Tray or Cassette - PGS should be getting this info from the Canon driver - so this might be where the bottleneck is, I have no idea.

I want OS X PGS to work. It is still the most intuitive DTP app that I have ever worked with. I am tied to PGS as I designed my textbooks which include several hundred PGS made illustrations, in PGS. I could re-do the whole series of textbooks in Illustrator but I quail at the thought of having to do 10 years of work again from scratch.

Printing from PGS generated PDFs is not what I would call a professional solution.

I purchased the OSX PGS license on Feb. 14th 2004. Can I have reliable printing to my laser soon please Deron?

Have any other OSX 10.5.x owners had any similar print out put problems with laser printers?

2010-10-15 22:12:23 CT #2
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4639

On 10/15/10 6:17 PM, mikewilk2000 wrote:
> I still cannot get reliable printing with any OSX version of PGS.

On September 3rd, your email indicated that you generally happy and the
only problem was it was taking too long to print. Over 2 minutes for a
single page. Of course, the document you sent took less than 4 seconds
to print on my non-postscript laser printer. I guess the code I have to
"take longer" on your printer is working fine Smile

No mention was made about wrongly changing from A4 to US Letter.

> Currently I cannot print anything at all to the Canon laser from PGS, the Canon Print Monitor always displays "PRINT STOPPED".

That would be a different problem than any other you reported. Are you
saying this is with, or even the release you were so
pleased with is not working now?

> Whatever Deron did in the OS 9 version in regards to printing . .works flawlessly with this Canon Laser. Perhaps he could compare what is different in PGS - OSX printing compared to the OS 9 version.

OS 9 and OS X printing are as different as it gets between Windows,
Amiga, and Linux (which is basically the same as OS X).

If you are having problems printing with the new version of PageStream,
then please look at the Apple program Console and pull out the error
messages that are being generated.


Deron Kazmaier -
Grasshopper LLC Publishing -
DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

2010-10-20 05:16:06 CT #3
Michael Wilkins
From: Unknown
Registered: 2016-11-05
Posts: 8

Time for me to eat a little crow.

Recently (last month) I connected a USB printer selector to enable printing from two computers using one printer. Apparently sometime over the past two weeks this unit has become defective.
I disconnected this USB selector and can once again print from PageStream to my Canon (non-postscript) laser printer.

In Pagestream I can print and one bug has been removed in that if I select 6 copies - I get six copies.

Printing speed too has improved.

Apologies to you Deron on my prior post.

I venture to say that as of that reliable printing is now possible to laser printers.
Good news for all Mac PGS users indeed.

Worth the wait.

2010-10-20 17:59:48 CT #4
Deron Kazmaier
From: United States
Registered: 2006-01-29
Posts: 4639

Thanks for following up! I was very concerned. I expect a few steps
back from time to time, but a complete failure was very disturbing.

Very glad to here that things are well with PageStream.


On 10/19/10 11:16 PM, mikewilk2000 wrote:
> Time for me to eat a little crow.
> Recently (last month) I connected a USB printer selector to enable printing from two computers using one printer. Apparently sometime over the past two weeks this unit has become defective.
> I disconnected this USB selector and can once again print from PageStream to my Canon (non-postscript) laser printer.
> In Pagestream I can print and one bug has been removed in that if I select 6 copies - I get six copies.
> Printing speed too has improved.
> Apologies to you Deron on my prior post.
> I venture to say that as of that reliable printing is now possible to laser printers.
> Good news for all Mac PGS users indeed.
> Worth the wait.

Deron Kazmaier -
Grasshopper LLC Publishing -
DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

2010-12-12 13:57:53 CT #5
From: Unknown
Registered: 2010-05-12
Posts: 6

Hi Deron,
I wrote this quite a while ago from my other account but with reference to this address (I'd changed server and the new one seemed not to accept email from that particular address)
Since I received no reply, I'll resend:

Thanks. Much improved

Brief comments so far:

undo after curving text leaves text to play around with again. However, the line seems to vanish. Tabbing to go through all objects doesn't reveal it.

seems that deleting points on a shape whilst it's masking an image doesn't work. the whole thing goes. Tried unmasking and selecting the shape. Unfortunately this, as before, leaves the shape drawn but with a ghost box in another place. Putting into edit shape mode and the individual grab handles appear but cannot be grabbed. It's easier to delete the shape and redraw.
...and it crashed twice in ten minutes whilst trying this Sad

tried Clear Mask. Image appeared by itself but l a r g e. Again, couldn't use the edit menu to go back. Odd, couldn't seem to resize. Tried again using edit menu. Fine

Can't join the end-points on a free-hand-draw shape; pen shapes auto complete when end point near start. But maybe not important as shape can still be used to mask. [wonder what happens if fairly large gap? Also not yet tried joining two free-hand lines]

Wanting to distort a circle a tried adding a point. No do [can only distort within the ellipse concept]

Wanting to clear the page and try afresh, I cmd-A and pressed delete. Nothing if in edit shape mode. [presumably this, understandably, has something to do with deleting points on a free-draw shape]

argh. drew another shape on the freshly cleared page. Tried carefully to finish over the start point and this time she froze, taking 99% of one of the cores. >Force Quit

Finally -thanks for the patience!- sending this from address that works as registered address for some reason won't send from the iMac [will do from lap-top...]
And many thanks for Pagestream. I re-found my original Atari instructions last week (whilst scratching memory scabs when going into the small storage where most of my remaining stuff is at the moment). Happy memories of using it very seriously, producing an imitation of a commercial piece that the boss had put in my direction with the idea of producing the school mag, and saving them lots of lolly. And me getting landed with lots of work.
If the Undo issue can be remedied PS will be again, for me, superb

Cheers, Mike

And then shortly after:
Hi again, Deron.

Ithink I'm spending too long on PS.
Which means I'm liking it! Smile

Some comments/suggestions.

It took me a while to see how best to use the layers window. However, still haven't found out if possible to identify which particular object is selected when I'm changing fill/wrap,stack-position.

Fill colour window has the normal little box with colour inside. Would it be possible to have this change as the sliders are changed or do we, the users, need to be intelligent with printers' inks?

For repeated mistakes in text (no space after stop). Couldn't copy incorrect text and paste into search-and-replace window [was in buffer]. It seems to paste in at the curser within the main text even when the find/replace window is the active one.

Now fiddling with composite paths to see if possible to have text change colour when over similar colour...
again, edit-undo doesn't return to as before (had ellipse, radial fill blue to black. Did composite path. No good. undo. Had to go into "Fill" but that then produced the ellipse with correct radial fill but now with a black background to fill the rectangular bow with grab handles - but only the part over the text. Move box with arrow keys and a black splodge remains. Tried moving the whole window to have redraw and text background now becomes black. Select text box, select no fill. Shape re-appears OK but text gone. Cannot select it cmd-A in text edit.

Oops. Tried to Revert to saved and PS crashed out again. Do messages get back ever from Apple?

Re-load. Try Blend Opacity. Didn't like the result when "Apply", so "Cancel". But left as after Apply. Have to reset to as before and either click OK or Apply before clicking Cancel or OK. Sort of makes the Cancel button redundant, or have I missed something?
...whatever I tried with the Path - Text and Object, Undo returns a box now absent of text. Is it possible to do a text path Boolean with an objects fill? [Convert text to Path, first..?] Yea, I know: want lots!
...not managed it yet and what I did before in Illustrator I now had to scrape through my memory,

Overall, 'tis MUCH improved. Thanks Deron. Mainly, at the moment, the annoying thing of Undo not as I would like.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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