Just tried printing a simple document using PageStream Pro 10/11/10. I'm using the last of the Snow Leopard's, as noted in the Subject: line, and am printing to an HP Color Laserjet 2605dn. When I used Mac software to print to the Laserjet, the printout is fine. However, via PageStream I get:
-1- I specify the first two pages of a document to be printed 2-sided. -2- The iMac sends the print request and the requisite single sheet appears with the two PageStream pages printed, one page on one side of the sheet. So far so good. -3- The printer does not quit, but now prints the two pages in question in non-2-sided format; i.e., it prints each page on a single sheet and I end up with two unasked-for sheets. -4- The above was repeated with a longer printout which in 2-sided format required two sheets of paper, but produced three sheets printed as single-sided as well. A splendid way to waste paper!
I tried to option to "print to PDF" so that I could subsequently use Preview to print the relevant PDF doc. That did not work. Instead a print job was sent to the printer and I could NOT find the .pdf file in the directory that I had specified.
Is this the way that PageStream prints via Mac OS X for other users?
Don Green Dragon fergdc@Shaw.ca